Ronn!Blankenship wrote:

> What's fair about the "others" contaminating a symbol I 
> respect with things 
> I don't believe in? 

Nothing. But then again, there is nothing unfair in it either. It's
*their* interpretation of the symbol. You may challenge it if you wish
to but that doesn't mean that they are being unfair in interpreting it
their way.

> IOW, why should I "fight fair" in 
> defending the good 
> aspects of a symbol if others do not fight fair in contaminating it?

Only one reason would make sense: that you believe in fighting fair and
do not wish to pattern your behaviour on other people's less than
stellar behaviour.

> Many non-Christians are offended by the use of the 
> cross as a 
> symbol (and some Christians are offended by some of the uses 
> others make of 
> it because some seem to use it in ways they do not find 
> respectful of its 
> meaning)

The use of Om and Vedic Hymns in the orgy scenes of Kubrick's last movie
[_Eyes Wide Shut_? Can't recall the name but it was something like that
and starred Kidman and Cruise] would fall in the latter example. I
recall a lot of people got offended over here.

> Does that mean that those who believe in those 
> things and the 
> positive meanings of those symbols must not display the symbols where 
> anyone who may be offended (or claim to be "offended") has a 
> chance of 
> seeing them (e.g., only display the flag inside one's private 
> home or wear 
> a religious symbol under one's street clothes)?

I think that would be silly. Display and interpret any symbol the way
you wish to. If others get offended, it is their problem, not yours.



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