Erik Reuter wrote:
On Tue, Aug 05, 2003 at 08:19:15PM -0700, Doug Pensinger wrote:

I agree with the gist of the article, but what he doesn't seem to
realize is that if it wasn't for the WMD hype, Bush never would have
had enough support for the war no matter how many other good reasons
there were.  That _is_ an issue for me, and I think it will become
an issue for more and more people as the casualties and costs of the
occupation mount.

That is a really depressing thought. I hope you are wrong about

Well, first of all, Americans aren't the only one Bush was trying to persuade with his deceptive tactics. He had to convince other governments and their people as well. Secondly, this conflict was never about the well being of the Iraqi people however much we try to point it that way after the fact. There are too many other places, especially in the Africa, that are suffering far more than the Iraqi people were and to whom we pay little or no attention to for us to justify the war on those grounds.



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