On Wed, Aug 06, 2003 at 10:19:20PM -0700, Doug Pensinger wrote:

> Well, first of all, Americans aren't the only one Bush was trying
> to persuade with his deceptive tactics.  He had to convince other
> governments and their people as well.

Are you saying that Americans could have been convinced by a
humanitarian argument but other countries could not? Otherwise I don't
see what point you are making.

>  Secondly, this conflict was never about the well being of the Iraqi
> people however much we try to point it that way after the fact.

Baloney. The Iraqis are much better off now than they were under
Saddam, even with the chaotic situation in Baghdad. And as long we
keep working on building a fair government, building and rebuilding
their infrastructure, and maintaining order, they will be even better
still. Whatever reason was in mind of the people responsible for
toppling Saddam, the result is good for Iraq. And long-term, it will be
good for much of the Middle East.

>  There are too many other places, especially in the Africa, that are
> suffering far more than the Iraqi people were and to whom we pay
> little or no attention to for us to justify the war on those grounds.

The fact that 9 is bigger than 2 doesn't change the fact that 5 is
bigger than 1. But that is what you are arguing. Maybe more people could
have been helped per dollar spent elsewhere, but that doesn't change the
fact that a big improvement was made for a lot of people in Iraq. Bush
may have deceived us about the evidence. If you think so, don't vote
for him next year. But that STILL doesn't change the fact that toppling
Saddam is a big improvement for Iraqis, and strategically, for the
Middle East and even the US. To argue now that that we would have gotten
more bang for our buck in Africa seems like a waste of time -- what do
you hope to accomplish?

Unless you meant that we should now occupy some countries in Africa? I
don't see how we can handle Afghanistan, Iraq, Liberia, and, did you
have others in mind? Sierra Leone? Maybe if we had A LOT of help from
other countries, but Bush doesn't seem capable of getting that sort
of help. Are you saying that you would throw your support behind a
democratic candidate who makes a promise to use American troops and
the help of the UN and foreign allies to set up stable democracies in

"Erik Reuter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       http://www.erikreuter.net/

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