At 07:10 AM 8/17/03 -0400, Erik Reuter wrote:
On Sat, Aug 16, 2003 at 07:41:01PM -0500, Ronn!Blankenship wrote:

> I agree.  OTOH, if you are an 80-year-old woman with arthritis who has
> to shuffle around with a walker, you probably don't have the dexterity
> or strength to use a throwing knife, sword, or quarterstaff,

Probably cannot hold a gun steady and pull the trigger, either. And
if she has a walker, where will she put the gun while she "shuffles"
around?  Does she have a holster on her waist? Do you really think she
could draw the gun from the holster, hold it steady, aim, and pull the
trigger before the attacker gets her or ducks behind something?

She had it between the cushion and the side of the chair she was sitting in, and when the intruder walked in he found himself facing a fiesty old woman who had a .38 pointed at him. An alloy-framed .38 revolver is both compact and light, and is what many who talk about self-defense recommend for women. It's main disadvantage is that one has to be somewhat careful about ammo selection, as the alloy used is not as strong as hardened steel, so you can't use the most powerful available loads (e.g., +P and +P+).

I think she'd be better off with a dog (if she has a yard or could get
someone to walk it for her). Failing that, she probably has a better
chance just crying and saying "don't hurt me" and letting the intruder
take her stuff.

An even better idea would have been for the S.O.B. to get a job if he wants money rather than try to steal other people's possessions. And she didn't have any way of knowing if he was there "just" to steal from her or he planned to get some jollies by beating, perhaps raping, perhaps even killing a helpless victim. And if you think that all women cry when faced with a stressful situation, you need to meet some real women.

-- Ronn! :)


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