At 10:04 AM 8/16/03 -0500, Julia Thompson wrote:
Erik Reuter wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 15, 2003 at 10:58:17PM -0500, Julia Thompson wrote:
> > The only weapons we keep with that sort of accessibility right now
> > are swords.  And me cornered in my own house with a sword is probably
> > *extremely* dangerous to whomever is cornering me.
> Do you think your son could expose the blade on the sword?

Not at this time under normal circumstances.

I don't keep it next to the bed most of the time, but it's in a place I
could get to in under 10 seconds, out of his reach.  If I were asleep in
bed, the dogs would alert me to the presence of an intruder in enough
time for me to get to it.  (Unless they were out in the yard for
skunk-related reasons, which may be the case tonight, depending on how
well the cleanup goes today and if the skunk has the sense to get the
@#$% out of our yard before they *kill* it.)

The last time I had it right next to the bed, he was not sufficiently
mobile to get to it or do anything if he *did* get to it.

(Speaking of him as a small baby and weapons, have I mentioned the photo
of him next to an unsharpened battleaxe?  It's really cute, and one of
my friends has a framed copy of it on display in her apartment....)

> How about a quarterstaff (I think Aikido experts call it a "Bo") for
> home security?

That could work.

I like Andy's solution of throwing knives.  I'd have to train to use
them, though.

Which is one point in favor of a firearm for home defense: it takes less training to learn to fire it than it does to learn to use a throwing knife, and it does not require as high a level of physical dexterity or strength to use. Admittedly, those are also the reasons that make it more dangerous if a child finds it.

-- Ronn! :)


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