----- Original Message -----
From: "Deborah Harrell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "brinl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2003 6:15 PM
Subject: Scouted: Metrosexuals...

> I thought this was a joke when I first heard the term,
> but it isn't...
> http://my.webmd.com/content/Article/71/81366.htm?printing=true
> "...So what makes a metrosexual man? He's been defined
> as a straight, sensitive, well-educated, urban dweller
> who is in touch with his feminine side. He may have a
> standing appointment for a weekly manicure, and he
> probably has his hair cared for by a stylist rather
> than a barber. He loves to shop, he may wear jewelry,
> and his bathroom counter is most likely filled with
> male-targeted grooming products, including
> moisturizers (and perhaps even a little makeup). He
> may work on his physique at a fitness club (not a gym)
> and his appearance probably gets him lots of attention
> -- and he's delighted by every stare..."
> Well, he's sure going to be attracted to *me* - with
> my fingernail-ripped hands dirty from picking out
> horse hooves, pink-stained shirt from where the horse
> has rubbed her fly repellant on me, and helmet-sweated
> hair...  :P
> If He Spends More On Hair-Care Products Than Me, It
> Won't Work Out Maru

I'm not usually picky about grammar, but it influences how I read this.
Did you mean

If He Spends More On Hair-Care Products Than He Spends On Me


If He Spends More On Hair-Care Products Than I Spend On Hair-Care Products


Dan M.


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