--- Ronn!Blankenship <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Julia Thompson wrote:
> >"Ronn!Blankenship" wrote:
> >
> > > If They Hate Water So Much Why Do They Stand On
> The Side Of The Tub And
> > > Meow While I'm In The Shower Maru
> >
> >Well, Miranda used to hang around outside the
> shower when I was
> >showering, and then when I was done, she'd lick
> water off the surfaces
> >she could reach, including my feet.  But she's a
> dog, I don't know nothin' about no cats.
> Andy did that.  Midnight tries to drink the dirty,
> soapy bath water.  And 
> he stands on the edge of the tub and twists so he
> can drink the water 
> dripping out of the faucet after it is turned off.

Most of my cats have done the same thing - Kia goes so
far as to stand over the lawn sprinkler and lap at the
streams, winding up with the entire front of his ruff
soaked and dripping water by the time he's through. 
(When I lived in an apartment, he'd drink out of the
swimming pool by 'hanging' from his haunches, with his
front feet braced on the side of the pool, below the
water level.)  Strange!  :)

He Doesn't *Look* Like He's Part Tiger Maru  :D

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