"Ronn!Blankenship" wrote:
> At 04:11 PM 8/21/03 -0500, Julia Thompson wrote:
> >
> >Miranda can be extremely patient.  She can also be extremely
> >*im*patient.  Depends on whether or not there's food or exercise
> >involved.  She makes a good office dog -- you make it clear to her by
> >putting down a dog bed or dog mat that she's to be in a certain spot,
> >and she'll spend her time *there* and not get underfoot (or where she
> >can get rolled over by a chair), and just hang around until you leave
> >the room.  Briana will *not* stay in the one spot you want her in, so
> >she's not anywhere near as welcome in any "office" areas.  (All of Dan's
> >office, the desk area of this room.)
> Midnight's most predictable "spot" is between or right in front of my
> ankles when I'm walking.  Makes it interesting when I'm carrying something
> heavy and am in a hurry to set it down . . .

I have to get after *both* dogs about not being in traffic pathways. 
Briana will try sleeping sprawled in the middle of the bedroom, which is
where I have to walk to get to the toilet in the middle of the night;
she's learned to wake up and get the heck out of my way recently,
though.  Miranda had to be told to move when she was sitting in front of
the bathroom doorway (door was open) earlier this week.

They've both learned *not* to be right in front of me when I'm walking
lately, though, as I've kicked at least one of them (due to not *seeing*
her over my belly).  Now, if I could just get Sammy to not try to insert
himself between me and the kitchen counter when I'm doing something in
the kitchen, I'd be set....


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