The Fool wrote:
> > From: William T Goodall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > On Saturday, August 30, 2003, at 08:24  pm, The Fool wrote:
> > >
> > > There is no security hole in the sofeware on this one.  Just user
> > > stupidity.  And yet you try and blame it on microsoft.  Perhaps we
> > > should
> > > start sueing all the users who spread sobig.f for being stupid?
> >
> > Not allowing for user stupidity *is* a security hole. That's why Java
> > runs in a sandbox.
> I'm sorry I can't agree with you.  Java is evil software.  If people and
> corporations are so stupid that they can't install patches which have
> been out for 2 1/2 months or click on attachments sent to them, then it's
> their own damn fault.  Fuck em.  They get what they deserve.  Perhaps
> they should go swing from the trees with all the other troglodytes.

Hm.  My understanding of the word "troglodyte" includes the assumption
that it lives in a cave or underground, hence not likely to be swinging
in trees.

Perhaps they should climb back under their rocks?

Or maybe those of us who know better should just take a little time to
track one down and hit 'em with a clue-by-four.

(One problem with the updates is that, as I understand it, they don't
take effect until you restart your computer, and if everything is
running with great stability and you don't want to shut everything down
once you've *installed* the patch, and then you forget about it until
one of your co-workers infects you....)


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