"Ronn!Blankenship" wrote:
> At 09:12 PM 8/30/03 -0500, The Fool wrote:
> > > And then there are the cases where Junior uses Daddy's computer while
> >Daddy
> > > is out of town (despite explicit instructions not to do so), and of
> >course
> > > Junior opens the e-mail promising an "Awesome screen-saver" . . .
> Which of course is exactly how another e-mail list I am on went through a
> period like the one Brin-L has been going through recently, with the list
> server and many of the list members' machines getting bombarded over and
> over by virus attempts which we eventually traced back to a particular list
> member whose account the list manager then terminated after he didn't
> respond to any messages informing him that his machine was infected and
> bombarding the list.  Then a couple of weeks later we all got an apologetic
> message from him after he got back from his trip, discovered what his kid
> had done in his absence, and gotten his computer cleaned up.  I don't
> recall him sharing with us the details of what he did to the kid . . . ;-)

I'd avoid the problem of my list being bombarded with crap due to my
kid's negligence by having a kids' computer (or maybe even one for each
of them) and letting them know there'd be dire consequences for doing
*anything* on mine without explicit permission.  Certain files, I'd
allow read-only access to on the house network, so that if those files
needed to be accessed for some reason, they could at least be read. 
(There has been no sharing of computers in our household since sometime
in 1993, except if we have company that needs internet access, they end
up using mine.  Which is the case right now -- Mom is doing her
administrative stuff for a message-board site using this computer, and
reading her e-mail, as well.)

And if it were my kid, I'd find a suitable punishment somehow related to
the computer, and in the process make him *learn* something.


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