--- Erik Reuter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't know what a "nice" trial is, but the
> prisoners should receive
> the same right to a fair a speedy trial that all
> people are entitled to.
> Innocent until proven guilty, you may have forgotten
> in your war on all
> non-Americans zeal.

> Erik Reuter   http://www.erikreuter.net/

If you don't think we're at war, there's a big hole in
New York that would argue otherwise.

As is usual for people without responsibility - and as
I pointed out earlier - you have, once again, ignored
any consequences of your beliefs.  It must be nice to
be able to make every decision so easily.  How,
exactly, would you do this without destroying American
intelligence?  Or do you not care?  Your position, so
far as I can tell, is that we must do something that
we are neither legally nor morally obligated to do and
have never done in the past.  But we _must_ do it now,
everyone who disagrees with you is bigoted and evil,
and the consequences to these actions in our shattered
ability to defend ourselves should be ignored.  Have I
summarized you fairly?  POWs don't get trials.  These
people _don't even have the rights of POWs_ under
every international treaty. 

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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