On Sat, Nov 15, 2003 at 04:43:34PM -0800, Gautam Mukunda wrote:

> Their hysteria is fundamentally a product of immaturity - they are
> like five years olds who want a diamond ring.  Adults have to make
> choices and understand the consequences on both sides of actions.  I
> _don't know_ for sure what to do here.  I don't like keeping people
> indefinitely.  I _really_ don't want to release Al Qaeda agents into
> the world.  Military tribunals seem to me the best compromise.  But
> either way they are prisoners captured on a battlefield fighting
> without state sponsorship - this makes them illegal combatants
> and they _don't have_ even the rights of POWs, and nothing even
> approaching the rights of American citizens.

What a cowardly and thoughtless attitude. Did you even consider that
the US invaded another country, where obviously people were LIVING, and
quite likely took among the legitimate prisoners people who believed
they were just defending themselves, their families, and their homes? Or
maybe people who were hiding or fleeing?

I wonder how you would react if an army invaded the US and attacked
your home town and took you prisoner. Do you think you should be held
indefinitely without a fair trial? Tried by the army's military?

> What the hell do we do with these guys?  We can't demobilize them.

Keep telling yourself that. We can't give them a fair trial because
their lives aren't as important as American lives, we can't release
them because they are guilty until proven innocent, so OF COURSE we are
justified in denying them basic rights.

Erik Reuter   http://www.erikreuter.net/

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