In a message dated 11/15/2003 7:33:35 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> A claim for which you have _no_, as in zero, evidence.
> A lot of people have _claimed_ that the
> Administration leaked that name - all of them
> liberals, oddly enough - but no one has provided even
> a jot of evidence on that topic.  What I have heard is
> that the CIA _itself_ leaked that information.  
Uh - Robert Novak attributed it to a white house source so are you calling Novak a 
Why would the CIA out Plame? She was their agent. What would be their purpose? It 
makes sense only as a plant by the white house. Novak, a conservative columnist rights 
a column that attempts to discredit a damaging piece of evidence by implying that he 
got the job because of nepotism. 

I would also point out that half of Washington has known
> Valerie Plame was a CIA agent for years, so it's not
> as if it's a major security breach either. 

You will agree that outing her was illegal as in against the law won't you and that 
the person who did this has broken the law and should be prosecuted. You will agree 
won't you that while half of washington knew she was an agent that some people in the 
world may not have known that she was and the outing could jeapordize their lives and 
our ability to carry out the CIA;s mission. You will agree I would hope that once 
Novak made his report the White House should have immediately moved for an 
investigation since this represented a breach of national security? 

 None of
> this, of course, came out in the press.

But of course it came out in the press. I saw both of these craven arguements in the 
press. They were as heinous and cynical then as they are now. 

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