At 10:57 PM 12/12/03, Bryon Daly wrote:

From the comics:
- While both Superman and the Martian Manhunter are heroes, IIRC, they are both just sole representatives of their races, so presumably the rest of their race would have equal powers. So could we pick Superman's race, or MMH's?

Sticking to the DC universe . . .

I suppose Daxamites would be excluded because the serum which renders them invulnerable to lead was not invented in the 20th century.

Someone once suggested that Tromites have the potential of being among the most powerful beings around, but the writers never seem to allow the sole surviving representative of that race to cut loose. (Perhaps that's why they made him some sort of monk . . . ?)

Others have pointed out that a Green Lantern is potentially limited only by the strength of his/her/its will power . . . presuming of course that his/her/its ring has been charged within the past 24 hours and the other guy is not wearing (or pigmented) yellow.¹ Again, though, there are never a million of them in existence at one time. And I suppose the power ring does not meet the limitations . . .

¹Obvious off-color observation concerning the limitation of a Golden-Age GL (or Jade of the late Outsiders) is left to the reader . . . probably Vilyehm.

-- Ronn! :)


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