A message for Kevin for tomorrow!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kevin Tarr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2003 10:26 PM
Subject: RE: Science Fiction In Music

> I'm not trying to be confrontational, but you'd have to carry a lot of
> water to say you are "the" (sorry Nick) resident music freak.

He is still pretty new here.
So he deserves some slack.
Besides.... he seems like a pretty nice guy IMO.
No harm. No foul.

> I have to side with Rob. BOC is very SF. In fact (much to my delight) he
> didn't list Sole Survivor, close to my favorite song, with Secret Treaties
> being my favorite album. (But I'll admit to not knowing Black Blade, never
> heard of it).

Black Blade is on Cultasaurus Erectus along with Joan Crawford Has Risen
>From The Grave.
If you like BOC, you are gonna love Black Blade. Its absolutely one of the
best pieces the band ever created. Buck Dharma's guitar smokes all over the

BTW, my favorite is Hot Rails To Hell from the album Tyranny And Mutation.

>How does a band from New York City end up writing such messed
> up lyrics?

They write better song titles than lyrics.<G>
Actually, I think the quality of their lyrics has improved greatly over the
But I agree that on the first three albums they could be pretty bad.

> Would the themes of Boston's first three albums qualify? Only one or two
> songs were SFish, but they had the cover art.

Great covers, but not SF&Fnal that I can recall.

> Iron Madien also has Stranger in a Strange Land and To Tame A Land (about
> Dune). Not fantasy DnD at all.
> I don't think any of Pink Floyd's music is SF related. It works as a
> soundtrack, but not as directly as the above. Heck, they are more agrarian
> than futuristic.

I always thought of it as either Horror or an Orwellian nightmare.

> What about Devo? The Devolution theme is SFish, but none of their songs >
really fit the bill.

I love DEVO.
The whole DEVO concept is SFish as is quite a bit of Oingo Boingo's music.
I think you would have to fit them into the Phillip K. Dick "reality is
turning against me" conspiracy/paranoia theme file.

Marginally SF at best.

> Can't add any more right now. I only flipped the 'puter on because of
> insomnia. Hopefully my 15 hour working day tomorrow will fix that.
Good Luck!!!!!

Peek-A-Boo Ha Ha Ha Ha Peek-A-Boo Maru


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