At 02:32 PM 12/27/2003, you wrote:
On Sat, 27 Dec 2003 13:47:25 -0500 (EST), Jim Sharkey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Doug Pensinger wrote:
I'm just finishing Snow Crash (Neal Stephenson)

What did you think?

Haven't quite finished yet, battle looming on the Enterprise. Stephenson is a real talent, but I hope the ending is better than Diamond Age. More later.

I was shopping for my brother in law who also reads a lot of SF and
ended up getting him a copy of Iain M. Banks' Inversions without
thinking too much about it.  I need to get a copy of Consider
Phlebas or Player of Games (or both) for him to read first

Player of Games is the only one I've read so far, and I liked it a lot.
It seems like a good intro to the Culture. What should I read next from him, you think?

Consider Phlebas gives an outsiders view of the culture and allows you to entertain THE question*. But they are all good; Use of Weapons, Inversions(as I mentioned familiarity with the Culture is a plus before reading this one), Excession (take notes), State of the Art and Look to Windward. I haven't read the two non Culture books; Against a Dark Background and Feersom Endjinn.

Not that I don't already have about 10 books in the pipeline thanks to the holidays Maru

Ah, my Lal-pile** is considerably larger than that and continues to grow unchecked thanks to the used book store near my work that I can't seem to stay away from.


*Is Horza a git?
**A culture list reference a member of whom, Lalith Vipulananthan, is famous for his stack of unread books.

This is weird. I know I've read Against a Dark Background, but the description does not fit with my memory. I now see it was Look to Windward I was thinking of. I need a better description to jog my memory of the story. Player of Games, Use of Weapons, Inversions, and Excession I've read and can recall, but not AaDB. But total agreement, they are all great books. Feersom Endjinn I've started a few times, but it's a tough read. Wasp Factory and Complicity are straight fiction (mostly, hehe) and are not bad. They are tough to find here in the US. Some stupid laws between England, Canada and the US.

He has a forum on his site. Does The Culture list know? ;-)

I only have 4 or 5 books to read, but 20 more that I want to read after them. Where is all the time going?

Kevin T. - VRWC
I say not a git


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