At 01:47 PM 12/27/2003, you wrote:

Doug Pensinger wrote:
>I'm just finishing Snow Crash (Neal Stephenson)

What did you think?

>I was shopping for my brother in law who also reads a lot of SF and
>ended up getting him a copy of Iain M. Banks' Inversions without
>thinking too much about it.  I need to get a copy of Consider
>Phlebas or Player of Games (or both) for him to read first

Player of Games is the only one I've read so far, and I liked it a lot. It seems like a good intro to the Culture. What should I read next from him, you think?


And to add to Doug's answer, I think it depends on what level of sci-fi you want. I think Player of Games is a weak book, compared with the rest. Excession is very high tech and is my favorite, but it was also my first. CP is interesting as is Look to Windward. Both have technology but are also character driven like PoG. Inversions is best after those three, because you will then know what is going on. Then again, I read it and still don't know what happened. (You'll see). Use of Weapons is the best book, but save it for last if you can.

Kevin T. - VRWC


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