> Robert Seeberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> One thing you have to remember about Bisexuals.
> They can blend into any crowd.
> Remain hidden as long as they like.
> And only attract notice if they want to be noticed.
> My personal experience tells me that 40-60% of women
> I have dated were
> Bi (to varying degrees) and I would suspect the
> numbers are similar for men.
> Male homosexuality is suppressed in our society to
> the degree that
> male bisexuals either hide their sexuality or never
> act on it.
> I suspect that "pure" heterosexuals may not even be
> a majority.

>From my set of women friends, a "bi" percentage of
~50% is far too high (even counting "to varying
degrees"), and ditto for the men friends.  Even 20% is
generous; of course, it's also not a question that we
typically ask each other, so I could be 'way off.  ;}

As Dan touched upon in an earlier post, "intimacy"
seems often to be confused with "sexuality,"  which
seems to be one of the memes that we as a society
inherited from the Puritan world-view.  True intimacy,
or moments of intimacy, tend to be very intense from
an emotional standpoint, and "emotional intensity =
sexual attraction" seems to be another equation that
we often use, rightly or wrongly.  As young women,
most of us are taught to "be careful of sending the
wrong signal to a young man," and this leads to
certain inhibitions in interactions with men, but not
with women.  I think a large part of the whole
'college lesbian experimentation' is an outgrowth of
this situation: intimacy is experienced/practiced with
women-friends, and can become confused with sexual
attraction.  OTOH, it's also a sure-fire way of
avoiding pregnancy while being sexually active...

Dang, Now You've Got Me Thinking About Jean-Luc And
Tyr And Rupert...(But Not Them Together!) Maru   ;D

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