From: Deborah Harrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Killer Bs Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: This Is Spinal Ta-, er, Metallica
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2004 12:09:13 -0800 (PST)

>Travis Edmunds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Rob S wrote:

<much snippage>
> >What I would like to be able to convey to you is
> how it felt when
> >people all over the world heard these albums for
> the first time and
> >***everyone*** was hearing something never heard
> before. I don't
> > hell I know you cannot imagine the
> excitement these
> >albums generated. It was "mind expanding".
> >And you really had to be there to "get it".

> I don't think so. Long before I ever knew Robert
> Seeberger existed, I used
> to listen to old school tunes and picture what it
> would be like to hear them
> for the first time, way back when they were
> initially released. And I think
> I can appreciate what it was like.

<grin>  OK, gonna jump in on this concept -- what
you're calling "appreciate" is the equivalent of
"sympathize;"  whereas to have experienced something
is to "empathize."

True enough. I'm with you so far.

I cannot quite understand my mother's awe and astonishment at a plane going by overhead, as she did when a young girl, all her neighbors young and old out in the streets gawking at the sky -- but if I liken it to my 9-year-old awe at the Moon landing, I come close. "Firsts" are by their very novelty and nature unrepeatable and extraordinary, and to experience a First with others increases the intensity. IMO, of course. ;)


I like that. I really do. And I guess I will concede that I can no more than sympathize as opposed to empathize in regard to Roberts comments. But of course, still based upon your line of thinking I can still adequately appreciate the music. Yes! I just love extracting SOME pleasure from my self-inflicted wounds!!

And You Both Ought To Include Rush In Your Discussion!

Without a doubt. But nobody has even attempted a comprehensive list as of yet. With the exception of Robert.


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