--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Julia Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jan Coffey wrote:
> > However, you would think that if it's ok to raz someone claiming 
> > they look pathetic becouse of something they did, why is it not 
ok to
> > raz them back about looking pathetic becouse of something they did
> > not do? (Namely get enough exercice for their caloric intake) Or 
> > you prefer soemthing they did do, like eating too much for their
> > level of physical activity.
> You know, I'm a little touchy about this right now.  Maybe I 
> be, but I am.
> And it's not just the caloric intake and activity level -- my body 
> *trying* to hang on to a chunk of the extra weight I gained while I 
> pregnant, and will not probably not start dropping it until the 
> are 9 months old or so, if what happened after my first pregnancy 
is any
> indication.  (This is related to the fact that I'm breastfeeding the
> babies, which is a lot better for them in the long run, and was 
> for *me* at least initially.)  And, dammit, I'm still hungry a lot -
> hungry for stuff with the right nutrients to be making more milk for
> them.  (At least I'm refraining from eating if I'm not hungry, and 
> is a luxury I didn't have 6 months ago.)
> And while a number of people who are overweight just have been 
> too much, there are those with medical conditions that are 
> to their obesity, and some of that is just out of their control.  
> not being fair to *them* -- after all, they didn't choose their
> condition, not the way someone chooses to do something stupid.  
(And I
> didn't choose to have twins, although I knew there was a reasonable 
> of my having twins, so there's a point to which that *is* my own 
> But my genes aren't something I had any control over.)


The body goes through a lot of changes to produce offspring. There is 
no reason you should be touchy about the shape 3 people's vessle is 
in after 2 leave that vessle and that vessle is still the main source 
of nurishment for them. What you have done is a butiful thing, and 
the shape you are in now is now less butiful than the thing you have 

This is very differnt though. Some people do have thyroid conditions 
and the like which causes them to have more body fat than most would 
in they ate and exerciezed properly. However, this may have been the 
case in our society at one time that most obease people fit this 
discription, but I am not so sure that it is still that way.

Never the less, we are still talking about a double standard. If it 
is OK to raz someone about their use of language even though they 
have a condition which causes them definincy, then why is it not OK 
to raz someone if they have a condition which causes obesity?

No one seems at all preturbed about how our president or anyone else 
is constantly razed for using the wrong word, or a less appropriate 
word, or phrasing something in a way that is caloquial, or makeing a 
statment which is intended to express a specific concept, but which 
is phrased in a clumbsy way and allows for too much misunderstanding.

These are of course the communication dificulties experienced by 
Dyslexics and to some extent Autistics. 

Why is it that it is acceptable to make fun of these peopel, or 
worse, acuse them of beliefes they do not have, or intentions they do 
not have, to twist their intent against them for no good reason, but 
it is a horendous offence to make fun of someone who has a very high 
likelyhood of simply not caring for the only body they have.

Sorry, but this seems like a double standard, and it seems so heavily 
wieghted twards the absurd that it makes me wonder what exactly our 
society favors. 


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