Couldn't we just turn off "The Dick Clarke Show" for a little while and reflect that, contrary to widespread belief, there's a war on?

The war is on because George W. Bush lied to the American public and to the world and led us into an illegal war of aggression against a country that, regardless of how odious its leader was, had not been a threat to the US or to US interests for several years. A war that had nothing whatsoever to do with the response to 9-11 and was the extreme right wing's attempt to remake that part of the world in their own image. A war that has been draining resources from the war against terror and has been increasing terror rather than lessening it.

To argue otherwise is akin to setting a house on fire and then, when your neighbors condemn you for it, stating, "Look, it doesn't matter how it started, there's a fire and I'm the fire marshall, so you all have to listen to me."

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Tom Beck

my LiveJournal:

"I always knew I'd see the first man on the Moon. I never thought I'd see the last." - Dr. Jerry Pournelle

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