--- Julia Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Um, didn't Germany declare war on the US shortly
> after Pearl Harbor?
>       Julia

Absolutely.  But FDR made a strategic decision - he
actually made this _before the war began, by the way -
to concentrate American forces on the defeat of
Germany first, instead of on the defeat of Japan.  He
did this despite the strenuous opposition of very
powerful people in Washington.  In fact even before
Japan attacked FDR had massively violated US
neutrality to aid Britain, doing things like declaring
Iceland to be part of North America so that US Navy
ships could protect British convoys during much of the
Atlantic crossing (really!).  He lied about this
merrily up and down.  Do I condone that?  No, I do
not.  But I don't think Bush lied either.  The concept
that Tom is struggling with is _mistake_.  It is
possible to be wrong about something and not lie about
it.  But if you're going to rant about lies all the
time, you have to deal with the fact that one of the
three greatest Presidents in American history
incontrovertibly "lied us into war."  Had FDR not done
so much to help Britain already, we have to wonder if
Hitler would have declared war on the US at all after
Pearl Harbor.  In either case, though, FDR's
understanding that the war was about more than just
defeating Japan is perhaps the moment that most marks
him as a great President.  Bush's understanding that
protecting the US from terrorism involves more than
hunkering down under a bunker and begging for mercy -
that it necessarily involves an _offensive_ posture
designed to drain the swamps that generate terror - is
the one that will define his Presidency.  If we are
lucky and all goes well in Iraq, it will work out very
much for the better.  If it does not, the defeat of
Saddam Hussein and the conspicuous exercise of
American power will still have achieved a great deal. 
Now, at least, we have a chance.  A small one - I rate
the odds that Iraq becomes a stable democracy in the
near term at no better than 1 in 5 - but a chance nonetheless.

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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