--- Tom Beck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was down there a few weeks after 9-11. I'll never
> forget it.  Don't  
> lecture me about that. 

Quite clearly somebody needs to.

> Rather, show me evidence that
> Iraq was involved.  
> You won't be able to, because THERE AIN'T ANY
> because Iraq WAS NOT  
> INVOLVED. If there was any evidence, they'd have
> found it by now.

Germany wasn't involved in Pearl Harbor either, yet
FDR chose to focus American efforts on the defeat of
Germany.  He sold this to the American people, before
the war, with far more deceptive tactics than anything
Bush has ever used.  You are of course shouting about
that?  If you want to have an argument about whether
it's a good idea - I've done that before, and might be
willing to do it again.  But since you've never
engaged in anything resembling an argument on the
subject (N.B. claiming everyone who disagrees with you
is evil and/or stupid <> an argument) I think I'd have
to be persuaded to do it with you.

I was, of course, responding to your typically
intemperate and foolish comment that the war was on
because of the liberation of Iraq.  No, it isn't. 
We're fighting a battle in Iraq - a battle where 9
brave people died today.  Battles are not wars. 
Liberating Iraq was necessary - but not sufficient -
to victory.  

Besides, Tom, why do you care?  You think all
Americans are idiots anyways, you've said so yourself.
 More than once.  Lying to them shouldn't be a problem
for you.  Anyone with the sort of contempt you have
for most of your countrymen shouldn't have a problem
with it.

I'm not sure whether I'm more stunned by the fact that
you were willing to reveal your true beliefs about
your countrymen that way or that you've been too
stiff-necked to walk it back and thus at least
maintain the illusion that any of us who don't feel
that way should listen to you at all.

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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