Mike wrote:

I've said it before here; I'm convinced that heightened
airport security would have thwarted the attacks.

Oh, for Christ's sake. I didn't even think you'd come up with something as lame as that.
Trust me, if I wanted to blow up a plane, it would get blown up. If I wanted to take one over, it would get taken over. It does a lot more good to tell commercial pilots that if they wander out of where they're supposed to be, and don't answer the phone, they're going to die, than it does to pretend to seach me. Here, you want to prevent terrorism on planes? Put a little card in the seat pocket along with the "how to put your oxygen mask on before you help your baby" card that says, "If this plane is hijacked, you have about 5 minutes to take care of the problem before the Air Force does. Don't be a
pussy if you want to live."

You and I might be able to sneak something by security, but 5 or 6 Saudi nationals (per plane), some of whom are suspected terrorists? Don't think so.

By the way, can you quote me the Gore speech where he said he would beef up airport security if elected to prevent terrorist attacks?

I can remember the heightened security during certain periods of the Clinton administration - such as the millennium.

We know
that Ashcroft quit flying commercial because of a threat
assessment.  If it was enough of a threat to keep Ashcroft
off the planes, why wasn't it enough to increase security?

I love it when people say, "We know..." The best cable shows about UFOs say "We know..." a lot.

I love it when obnoxious people stick their foot in their mouth. We know because they (the Bush administration told us):


"In response to inquiries from CBS News over why Ashcroft was traveling exclusively by leased jet aircraft instead of commercial airlines, the Justice Department cited what it called a "threat assessment" by the FBI, and said Ashcroft has been advised to travel only by private jet for the remainder of his term."

We also know that while under Reno, anti-terrorism was a
"tier one priority"

Yeah, too bad she thought it was all going in in Waco and Ruby Ridge. All I can say is what an incompetent Frankenstein-looking junkyard refrigerator if it was her #1 priority and she didn't do a damn thing to help. What exactly did her making it a #1 priority make turn out better, pray tell?

Several attacks were thwarted - especially around the millennium.

You know, despite my personal distaste for Ashcroft, I'll bet he gets more done with #7 on his task list than Reno did with #1.

You've never worked for a large corporation, have you?

For 23 years, in fact. And what I've noticed during the many changes over that period is that they do much better when they listen to the bright people in the organization, and don't do so well when they've got an agenda that leads them to ignore those people.

Or if you have, you're one of those people that everyone shakes their heads about. Of
course, you don't know about the head shaking, do you?

Hate to tell you this, but with your fanatical stance on Islam, lots of people are shaking their heads at you.

-- Doug _______________________________________________ http://www.mccmedia.com/mailman/listinfo/brin-l

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