> You and I might be able to sneak something by security, but 5 
> or 6 Saudi nationals (per plane), some of whom are suspected 
> terrorists?  Don't think so.

Oh, my, you're not advocating racial profiling, are you?

Every time I get on a plane, I'm around people who look suspicious to me.
And, by the way, I'm all in favor of racial/country of origin/mideast accent

> > By the way, can you quote me the Gore speech where he said 
> he would beef 
> > up airport security if elected to prevent terrorist attacks?
> I can remember the heightened security during certain periods of the 
> Clinton administration - such as the millennium.

I'll take that as a No.

> Several attacks were thwarted - especially around the millennium.

Attacks are always getting thwarted. Since 9-11, I'll bet the Bushies have
racked up more points than all administrations in the last 3 decades. (As,
probably, would any administration have done.)

But I don't remember a rash of Al Qaeda plots around then. Just a lot of
paranoia. Refresh my memory. I was working a lot and not paying attention to
the news.

> Hate to tell you this, but with your fanatical stance on 
> Islam, lots of 
> people are shaking their heads at you.

Those mo-fo's have been running around declaring war on us over and over and
over again for the last 40 years. I think it's time we accept them at their

And, really, all you head shaking, nice politically correct Americans who
think that the KKK are Neanderthals and shouldn't be allowed to breed, but
you give Muslims a pass (I guess because at least they're not
Republicans)...what the hell is up with you?

Islam is plain nasty. Racist, woman-hating, implacably oppposed to
democratic institutions and freedom of thought--Every mainstream Muslim
who's following the mainstram faith holds opinons that are far more
obnoxious than those of David Duke or the current Grand Dragon. They lie
about it when you ask them about it. I know about this. I was raised Mormon.
When Mormons talk to non-Mormons, they soft-pedal all kinds of weird, ugly
stuff. Every fundie religion does it. Yet you kiss Muslim butt and don't
press them on their bullshit while whaling on any bubba who comes near you
and tells a racist joke. This is where the rest of us get the idea that you
really do hate America.

Mike Lee
Islamic Moderate


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