JDG wrote:
> At 04:01 PM 4/4/2004 -0500 Dan Minette wrote:
> >I wouldn't really argue with the concept that, of the two parties,  the
> >Democrats have the more serious responsibility to talk straight facts about
> >SS to the American people.  But, I would argue it is the American people
> >who have the most serious responsibility.  One of the reasons that
> >politicians lie to the American people is that, in many cases, the people
> >want help in avoiding tough truths.
> Careful Dan, it sounds an awful lot to me like you are blaming the listener
> for being lied to, and assigning the listener the most serious level of
> responsibility.    It is not really the listener's fault if they are told a
> lie, and they believe - not nearly to the degree anyways, that it is the
> liar's fault.

The problem is not that the listener is being lied to, but that the
listener refuses to believe the truth, and would prefer to believe the
lies, were they offered.

You get these knee-jerkers who are in their 70s who, if anyone says
anything about SS reform, start screaming -- even if you're talking
about making reforms that will not touch anyone currently over 65, but
will go into effect on people now under 60. 

That's just one example.  But I know of people who will not listen to
the acutal truth on a particular subject (which subject varies from
person to person, of course), but take refuge in lies.  And that sort of
attitude, when it impacts my socio-political environment, makes me want
to scream.  Loudly.


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