To add more fuel to the fire, anyone see this?:

Daily news and comments on the situation in post
Saddam Iraq by an Iraqi dentist

"Monday, April 05, 2004
A coup d'etat is taking place in Iraq a the moment.
Al-Shu'la, Al-Hurria, Thawra (Sadr city), and
Kadhimiya (all Shi'ite neighbourhoods in Baghdad) have
been declared liberated from occupation. Looting has
already started at some places downtown, a friend of
mine just returned from Sadun street and he says
Al-Mahdi militiamen are breaking stores and clinics
open and also at Tahrir square just across the river
from the Green Zone. News from other cities in the
south indicate that Sadr followers (tens of thousands
of them) have taken over IP stations and governorate
buildings in Kufa, Nassiriya, Ammara, Kut, and Basrah.
Al-Jazeera says that policemen in these cities have
sided with the Shia insurgents, which doesn't come as
a surprise to me since a large portion of the police
forces in these areas were recruited from Shi'ite
militias and we have talked about that ages ago. And
it looks like this move has been planned a long time

Pretty interesting, and I just stumbled on it today.
Don't know how reliable the info it (though it is from
an average iraqi so its useful for atitudes and
mentalities), but there it is...


Damon Agretto
"Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum."
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