> Dan Minette wrote:
> > Are you suggesting that the people of Iraq were better off 
> before the 
> > invasion.  What measure would you give of that?
> I don't know if Andrew was suggesting that but that argument 
> *can* be made:

I am not sure Dan. From where I sit it actually looks a lot worse than it used to,
but I could attribute that to an increased focus by the media, I just don't know.
I have never lived under a Dictator or an Invader, so I cant really even guess.

One thing that may be relevant is that we all seem to be attributing some kind
of "Freedom" bonus to the mood of the Iraqi people. Look, now you are free,
you must be happier. Ahh, yes, Free... apart from the tanks and gunships of 
the invading powers of course. I think I will reserve judgement until Iraqi
is standing on its own feet. Hopefully that is sooner rather than later.

And I hope they are better off, cos that seems to be only shred of justification
left for this war, so it would be nice if we got that right.

> Law and order - They lived under a repressive state but they 
> were used to that set up. Currently, they are not sure of who 
> their enemies are or how to reduce the risk factor in their 
> lives. This uncertainty can get tiring after an year.
> Electricity, oil, kerosene, employment etc. - Far more 
> readily available before the invasion.
> Add to that the fact that the occupying power neither speaks 
> their language nor understands their culture and society, 
> throw in the midnight raids and the large-scale arrests one 
> keeps on reading about, remember the fact that earlier they 
> knew whom to approach and bribe for information and now they 
> don't....and you do come up with a picture which, in many 
> ways, is more unsettled than the picture under Saddam. It is 
> all well and good that he is gone and that the Iraqis may 
> actually be able to enjoy democracy one day in the future. 
> However, I doubt that makes living in such turmoil any easier 
> on a day-to-day basis.

Yea, what Ritu said..


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