--- Erik Reuter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 13, 2004 at 04:41:23PM -0500, Dan
> Minette wrote:
> Well said. I clearly remember what you wrote before
> and in the early
> stages of the Iraq war. I think that events have
> shown me to be wrong
> about the Iraq invasion -- as you say, although it
> turned out better for
> Iraqis, overall the cost was too high. I think that
> of all the people
> that posted thoughts and opinions then, the
> following events have shown
> your ideas to be the most correct and the best
> course of action. If only
> Bush had you as an adviser!
> -- 
> Erik Reuter   http://www.erikreuter.net/

I'm not clear on why you believe this.  The overall
number of American and Iraqi casualties is lower -
significantly lower - than most people would have
anticipated before the war (myself included).  For the
other things - it's too soon to tell, but some early
signs of reform in the Muslim world are very good. 
Within Iraq itself things are clearly very far from
ideal - on the other hand, the predictions of many
opponents of the war were clearly much farther from
where we are today than the predictions of most
proponents.  No massive refugee crisis, no Iraqi civil
war, etc. etc. etc.  Sistani, much to my shock, even
appears to be something of a democrat - surely a
hopeful sign for the future - while al Sadr appears to
have little or no support in the mass of the Iraqi

There are, equally, many bad signs, and it's foolish
to underplay them.  But it seems to me that the worst
thing you can say about the war right now is that it's
too soon to tell how this is going to turn out.

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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