Robert Seeberger asks a fair question, for once:

> Is this your raison d'être? Any excuse to throw insults?
> I note that you can't seem to post without doing so.

It could be me, it could be the idiots. 

I despise passive aggression. Actually, I loathe it. There are a lot of very
passive aggressive people who post here. You do the math.

> LOL.
> Its plagerism if you claim to have written it.
> If its a parody, it falls under fair use.
> Sounds like an oxymoron.

First of all, it's plagiarism if you can spell it. Otherwise, it's
plagerism, which is probably a cult based on the worship of some guy named

Second, if you plagiarize a parody, you're still a parody-plagiarizing piece
of penguin poop. (That last sentence was an example of alliteration, in case
you want to look it up.)

Your Revisited Rag was posted from your email address with no attribution to
anyone else. Are we to assume from now on that everything sent from your
email address is somebody else's words? Or are you saying that you don't
claim to have written anything posted from your email address? I'm confused.

Mike Lee
Islamic Moderate


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