----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Horn, John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 07, 2004 12:52 PM
Subject: RE: New Hate-Mongering Chick Tract is out

> From: Robert Seeberger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

> But I think that if one says "Christians" one is speaking most
> generally, unless one uses modifiers to specify a certain group of
> christians.
> Southern Baptists and their beliefs do not on the whole typify
> Christianity.

But when one describes themselves as a "Christian" without any other
qualifier or asks if you are a "Christian" without any other
qualifier, more than likely they are Southern Baptist or other
fundamentalist types.

Untrue John.
Christian describes a multitude of varying forms of belief.
Southern Baptists are just one brand on the shelf.

Frex.......and correct me if I am wrong, but Catholics are a larger
set of Christians in America than Southern Baptists.
Though I will grant you that Southern Baptists may be louder
concerning their beliefs and more forceful in regards to making their
environment conform to their religious beliefs.
But in no way do I see Southern Baptists as the stereotype for all
Fundamentalists perhaps..........

Cruciform Inquisitions Maru


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