Travis Edmunds wrote:

This is funny. Yes, it is decidedly unchristian to give much thought to people who *sin*, or to people of other religions (meaning that every religion is THE religion) going to Hell, Hades, the 'fiery deeps', or whatever you want to call it. Although...on second thought I will call it Hell as we are after all talking about Christianity. Anyway, my point is this - the actual belief that sinners and everyone else who for whatever reason cannot make it into Heaven (supposedly most go to Purgatory) is a key part of Christian dogma.

No, that's a part of church-ianity dogma. Christ taught quite the opposite -- that God loves us in our failures. It seems that many churches only give lip service to the unconditional love that the Bible illustrates in parable after parable. Instead the message comes out that you must repent before you can be forgiven, which is backwards from the gospel.

The good news is that we are acceptable to God exactly as we are. Jesus' harshest words were for the self-righteous, who rejected that idea.

Nick (addicted to self-righteousness, but doing better all the time)

Nick Arnett
Director, Business Intelligence Services
LiveWorld Inc.
Phone/fax: (408) 551-0427


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