At 04:38 PM 5/4/04, Julia Thompson wrote:
Mike Lee wrote:

> Really, get a nanny if you're so damn tired, because you're not very good at
> being a mom, and obviously you need professional help.

Actually, if you've got infant twins they have an older sibling who's
still pretty young, or if you have triplets or more, you could really
use the help for the first year or so.  Hire someone or see how much
family and friends are willing to do to help.  (I know one woman with
quadruplets; her sister is practically living there to help out with the
kids.  And she had them before her first child's second birthday, so
that's a lot of kids in a very short period of time.)

If it's just one kid, then after the first year or so, it's not that
bad.  If it's twins, that can get a little rough.  I've talked to a
number of mothers who had twins and then later had just one, and after
you've dealt with twins, handling a single infant is a breeze by

(And if you're working and you have twins or more, it's more
cost-effective to hire a nanny than to put them all in daycare, at least
for the first couple of years.)


p.s. I'm wondering how many kids Mike Lee has, because it gets more
interesting the more you have

I sincerely \*hope*\ that the answer is zero, and also that he is single, otherwise I feel very sorry for some poor unfortunate woman and some innocent children . . .

-- Ronn! :)


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