Damon Agretto wrote:
> > > YHO is not accurate.  The dictionaries were used
> > > because "Dark Ages"
> > > is a recognized term with which you disagree.  Not
> > > being a historian I
> > > am not obligated to use more than general terms.
> >
> > Which is why I posted a correction.
> PS: This is NOT MY opinion, but the opinion of a large
> body of historical scholars. Besides which, as someone
> with training i the field, should I not be obligated
> to correct information that I know is incorrect, or
> should I let it slide? This is one of the problems I
> have with Brin and his abuse of the term feudalism.
> When I have to teach a class on the subject, I have to
> choose whether I can or should overcome societal
> preconcieved notions on the subject, or just abandon
> the word and teach it using new terms. In short, the
> task becomes much harder when this occurs.

        My vote is for "abandon the word and teach it using 
new terms", either that, or "make a big deal of the fact that
it will be used in a technical sense in class".
        I'd say that MOST of the time the general public 
recognizes a technical term, it acquires an inaccurate 
everyday meaning.  Try "anal retentive", for instance.  : )
        At a guess, "Dark Ages" is hopeless, and should simply
be avoided.  "Renaissance" is a term that can be sharpened up and
used in a technical sense.

Or sweep back the sea.  Want a broom, cheap?

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