At 09:11 PM 5/26/04, Damon Agretto wrote:
> The "dates" I posted were "the Fall of Rome" and "the rebirth of
> reason known as the Renaissance."

Which is commonly accepted as being between 500 and 1500. You may not have
said it outright, but you certainly implied it, especially as you did not
define precisely what you mean. And, of course, this period (ALL of it) is
the Middle Ages.
> Believing it is impossible for the Church to retard learning between
> 500-1000 because it barely survived is silly.  It was destroying
> libraries and books before that time.

Cite please. Specifically how the church was burning libraries and books.
This is contrary to anything I've heard.

Who skinned Hypatia alive with sharpened oyster shells, then dragged her body behind a cart until she was dead?

-- Ronn!  :)


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