On Sep 9, 2004, at 6:57 PM, Julia Thompson wrote:

Every time there's a disaster like this, sure, maybe there are some
folks who deserve it -- but those least at fault are the hardest hit,
and if there's any sort of justice, a weather system isn't an efficient
way of distributing it....

I'll agree with the second bit (using a nuke to swat a fly), but with hurricanes often the people who get hit the hardest -- here in the states -- do deserve it. They choose not to evacuate, remain behind despite repeated warnings, and then expect the National Guard to come to their rescue.

On Sep 9, 2004, at 6:38 PM, JDG wrote:

Sorry for finding it not very funny. A close friend of mine is an
immigrant from Grenada. After spending the past day praying for the
safety of her mother, her family, and her people it was hard to see the
humor in that post. Its not like the post was loaded with smileys either
- "cheat in favor of thieving morons?"

Try not to blame others for how your choice of time spent affects your mood, particularly if you fear your time's been wasted. That's your fault, not anyone else's. And if you've read a lot of Brin's books you shouldn't require schooling to recognize his wry tone. You certainly should not require smileys. The "email is so impersonal" excuse is really rather thin when dealing with the words of someone whose voice, in text, is quite capable of displaying irony in even a couple two-sentence grafs.

-- WthmO

If you can't beat 'em,
have 'em flogged.


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