Dan Minette wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Robert Seeberger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, September 18, 2004 2:37 PM
> Subject: Re: Br!n: some thoughts and quotes.
>> Dan Minette wrote:
>>> BTW, the upper class Republicans around me, tend to believe that
>> poor
>>> people are that way because they don't have as much gumption as
>>> themselves. If those folks were to have worked as hard as oneself,
>>> then they wouldn't be poor.  >
>> LOL.....It is never true.
> My indefinate specific was not communicated properly.
> "That's not always true"
> referred to the entire statement:
> <quote>
> BTW, the upper class Republicans around me, tend to believe that
> poor people are that way because they don't have as much gumption as
> themselves. If those folks were to have worked as hard as oneself,
> then they wouldn't be poor.
> <end quote>
> not
> "If those folks were to have worked as hard as oneself,
> then they wouldn't be poor."
> I did not mean to indicate that the latter statement was usually,
> not always, true.  I was saying that the Republicans around me
> usually, but not always believe it to be true.
I think I understood you properly.<G>
I just wanted to point out that these same kinds of people are usually
blowhards and that they *always* back down when challenged.

No one has ever taken me up on it at least.<G>

Splunge Maru


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