----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Damon Agretto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, September 18, 2004 1:28 PM
Subject: Re: Br!n: some thoughts and quotes.

> > Why?  Why wouldn't whatever stores sold stuff
> > instead of WalMart hire
> > workers?  Even if Target and K-mart had not been as
> > good as WalMart at
> > cutting costs; that would not have meant that they
> > would not have hired
> > almost as many workers if they filled that niche.
> I think Gautam hit it on the head -- economics. Look
> at workers as a commodity to be "bought" (via wages).
> When the "price" for workers is high (i.e. high wages)
> the natural tendency (all other things being equal) is
> for the demand to go down. But when the "price" for
> labor is low (low wages), demand goes up.

I have no arguement with that.  What I am saying is that the inherent
demand for labor in this area is generally pretty weak.  The number you are
talking about $6.00-$6.50 for retail sound about right.  That's lower than
the minimum wage was, after accounting for inflation, between 1956 and
1981.   Indeed, in 1968, the height of the inflation adjusted minimum wage,
it was $8.60 in 2004 dollars.  If one were to scale the minimum wage by the
per capita GDP...saying the minimum pay for  hour of work should be the
same share of per capita GDP as that increases, the 1968 equivalant wage
would be close to $13.00/hour.  All this assumes is that ecconomic
prosperity means that a rising tide lifts all boats roughly equally.

Unions have been a technique to artifically raise raises, by allowing
effective collective bargaining.  Open shop unions, where joining the union
is optional, have no power worth mentioning.  Unions have weakened over the
last 30 or so years.  (BTW, it was the signal Reagan sent that industries
that broke unions, like the breaking of the Greyhound driver's union,
would be looked upon favorably that put a chill in unions.)  Insuring that
blue collar workers would have lower real wages is not, IMHO, the ideal way
to break inflation.

Dan M.


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