At 08:36 PM Sunday 5/1/2005, Dave Land wrote:
On Fri, 29 Apr 2005 08:31:38 -0700, Warren Ockrassa wrote
> On Apr 29, 2005, at 5:07 AM, Erik Reuter wrote:
> > * Nick Arnett ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> >
> >> True, indeed.  It *was* nonsensical to use that metaphor in that
> >> context, since it was about an issue that called for serious
> >> consideration.  I don't know wny you can't seem to see that.
> >
> > Well, religion-addled brains are good for one thing, anyway. This is
> > more hilarious than the 3 Stooges!
> Out of curiosity, why is it that Erik and a few others are able to
> get away with incessant windbaggery and insulting behavior?

Speaking for myself, I simply don't care what Erik or WTG have to say on that
subject, so I ignore it. It's probably the most codependent aspect of this
list that we overlook the severely antisocial behaviors of certain listmembers.

It depends on whether one judges that the "enabling behavior" in the particular case in question is overlooking the "severely antisocial behavior" in question and allowing it to continue or responding to it and therefore providing the one who exhibits the "severely antisocial behavior" with the reward of seeing that their "severely antisocial behavior" has provoked a response . . .

-- Ronn! :)


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