On May 16, 2005, at 10:43 AM, Gautam Mukunda wrote:

Not really, no.  You're right, you've "gotten up my
nostril".  I don't like being maliciously misquoted.
I don't like being patronized by someone who is in no
way my superior.  I don't like people who distort
religion to support secular political agendas.  I
don't like having the unimaginably pompous and
self-important accuse me and others of such things.
And when people do those things, I'm likely to react
angrily.  I don't use killfiles, because I guess
there's some theoretical sense that, say, Gary might
say something that is interesting, however low the
odds are.  But I probably would be better off doing so.

Fair enough. You believe that I have my head up my ass, and you either don't believe that it is a personal attack OR that you are above the community etiquette of Brin-L.

As for pomposity, well: "Hello? Pot? Kettle here, with a bit of bad
news for you..."



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