At 10:56 AM 5/16/2005 -0700, Nick Arnett wrote:
>> I don't see it that way.  Let's take one contraversial subject: abortion.
>> The standard liberal Democratic position is to defend all abortions without
>> question.  
>Extremist strawman hogwash.  That is neither the party position, nor much of 
>anybody in it.

Oh really, NIck????

Then I am sure that you are more than happy to provide information to
disprove Dan's proposition.   Republicans have proposed a number of
sensible restrictions on abortion over the years.   Can you name one such
restriction that was supported by liberal Democrats????   

Allow me to provide a list of suggestions:
-no public funds should be used to fund abortions
-Catholic hospitals should not be required to perform abortions
-minors should be required to notify their parents or a judge before
getting an abortion
-there should be a mandatory waiting period for an abortion
-"partial-birth"/"dilation and extraction" abortions should be prohibited
-abortions after viability should be prohibited
-gender-selection abortions should be prohibited

As long as we are dealing with "extremist strawman hogwash" here, I am sure
that you'll have no problem identifying which of these restrictions is
consistently supported by liberal Democrats - especially since I've given
you a list of examples to get you started.


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