On Jun 23, 2005, at 3:12 PM, William T Goodall wrote:

On 23 Jun 2005, at 10:54 pm, Dave Land wrote:

On Jun 23, 2005, at 2:41 PM, William T Goodall wrote:

On 23 Jun 2005, at 10:06 pm, Frank Schmidt wrote:

Questions to William:
What is it that makes something evil?
What is it that makes something good?

Why, don't you know?

I think you're being intentionally obtuse, but on the chance that the
vile disease of blind hatred has clouded your mind from being able to
understand two very plain and simple questions, I will rephrase:

LOL. If you think those are plain and simple questions your mind is obviously very much more clouded than mine.

I submit that the questions are very plain and quite simple.

The answers, on the other hand, are extraordinarily complex, and may well
be beyond your ken.



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