On Fri, 24 Jun 2005 03:04:43 +0100, William T Goodall wrote

> One instance would be an anecdote. Establishing a pattern of  
> behaviour from many instances isn't. If religion is so good why is 
> it  so bad?

Religion isn't good per se.  But a critical piece of my religion and many 
others is a belief that God is good.

For me, this is like saying that democracy is good, but that doesn't 
automatically make democratic nations good or right.

I am not religious because I believe that everything religion does is good. I 
support it because I believe it it can yield a kind of goodness and truth that 
aren't available from other kinds of sources.

Similarly, I don't support democracy out of any belief that it is always 
right.  I support because I believe it because it deals with human nature in a 
way that creates good lilving conditions and opportunities for people.


Nick Arnett
Voicemail: 408-904-7198


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