Gautam Mukunda wrote:
>> Today's biggest br newspaper has a huge story about
>> the return of Creationism to USA classes. It has the
>> general flavour of "look how those USAns are stupid to
>> believe this nonsense".
> Now, the interesting question for me is, why does this
> essentially only happen in the United States?
A good question.

> The US
> is the most religious industrial nation, so I have to
> ask - do Christian Third World nations even teach
> about evolutionary theory?  
Huh? I guess you mean "do Christian Third World nations
even teach about creationism?". In my schoolyears I 
never heard about creationism - except as a historical 
thing that had been abandoned in every country even 
before Darwin, placed in the same bullshit bag with
platygaeaism, phlogistonism and liberal capitalism O:-)

> Do they have debates over whether it is taught?
Creationism? No. Evolution? Yes.

> Why _just_ here?  I honestly
> have no idea, and would be very curious as to anyone
> else's thoughts on the subject.
No idea. Maybe it's because the USA likes to single it out
against the rest of the world - like refusing to use metric,
using the middle-endian calendar system, playing a football
that does not use the feet nor a ball, etc.

Alberto Monteiro


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