I just finished riding out with a friend who grew up
in Baton Rouge; we both noted that we have been in
foul moods for a couple of days, and realized last
night that it's because of the hurricane.  Maybe that
should have been a "duh!" moment, but neither of us
has lost a family member, friend or colleague (yet). 
Seeing places you've lived, worked in, or visited so
completely demolished just gnaws at your heart.

To see the heroism of rescuers and dedication of
relief/aid workers is uplifting; OTOH murderers,
rapists and pillagers deserve 'shoot on sight' orders.

"...Jagged fires mark the picket lines-
 the politicians weep, and mealy-mouthed,
 through corridors of power on tip-toe creep.

 Come and see bureaucracy make its final heave,
 and let the new disorder through
 while senses take their leave.

 Families screaming line the streets,
 and put the windows through in corner shops
 where keepers kept the country's life-blood blue..."
    from 'Dark Ages' on Jethro Tull's _Stormwatch_.

Accept Those Offers Of Foreign Aid Maru

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