----- Original Message ----- 
To: <brin-l@mccmedia.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2005 12:32 PM
Subject: RE: Evacuation

> >From: "Horn, John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion <brin-l@mccmedia.com>
> >To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <brin-l@mccmedia.com>
> >Subject: RE: Evacuation
> >Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 23:26:13 -0500
> >
> >I know it isn't likely but if anybody is evacuating and ends up in
> >the St. Louis area, let me know.  I'm sure we can put someone up for
> >a little while.  Or do anything else that will help out.
> >
> >Drop me a line off-list and I'll give you my particulars.
> >
> >  - jmh
> Ditto for Albuquerque.
Thanks for all the offers, but we're going to "shelter in place."  We're
about 150-200 feet above sea level and about 80 miles inland.  Plus, if the
hurricane goes as it is presently forecast, the Houston area will be on the
clean side of the storm.  We have friends who live in a mobile home, and
they're staying with us for the duration.

It is really kinda surrealistic.  It has been very hot for this time of
year (100+) the last couple of days, calm, and there are just a few puffy
clouds today.  I-45 is about 2.5 miles from my house, and we had to go near
it for my wife's appointment with her surgeon. It was a parking lot.
Traffic was moving as slow as 0.4 mph...which is about as fast as my wife
can walk after her surgery.  The traffic in our neighborhood is very
uneven.  Roads that go through N-S are clogged, with a 20 minute trip on
back roads lasting several hours now.  But, other roads are very empty.

It's interesting to see what there is a run on.  I should have known that
toilet paper would run out, but I hadn't thought of it.  We were almost
out, so I was lucky to get one of the last packs of generic toilet paper.
And this was 2.5 days before the hurricane was due.

The counterflow lanes are finally working on I-45, from what I've seen on
TV.  They go about 200 miles....most of the way to Dallas.

The gas station situation is really funny.  One gas station has a 50 car
line, while one can almost pull up and pump a block away.  It's clearly not
locals who are gassing up.

If you get a chance to read this, Rob, I wish you all the best during the
next few days....and thanks for your good wishes.  I was going to offer to
let you stay here before I read you had a place to go.  We might have wind
damage, but that should be it.  When we had 20-40 inches of rain over 3
days back in '94, we were high and dry.  We expect only about 2-10 inches,
unless the storm stops further south than they are predicting.  I think
we'll be OK until the rainfall is up to 40 inches in 3 days.

Dan M.
Dan M.


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