On 10/2/05 2:46 AM, "Gibson Jonathan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Excuse me, but what about this Davis Bacon wage act is racist?
> Just what is your definition of racism?
> The American middle class didn't grow large until wage/union rules were
> enacted under the New Deal.  In case you haven't paid attention there
> are a heck-o-lot more po' white folk in America than po' black folk
> affected by this law - and all of them need to work.

Why don't you ask the people who live in the areas affected in the last LA
riots?  You could have helped out a lot of unemployed people out by paying
them 8 bucks an hour to learn how to frame a wall or run wire.  They might
even learn a trade.  Making people pay somebody 23 bucks to figure out if he
can use a hammer doesn't make much sense either.

> H-e-l-l-o, consumer confidence at 15-yr low now and societal leadership
> is rudderless.

I don't look to Government for societal leadership.  And thanks for the
useless factiod.

> You came on strong all full of opinion, so I don't mind rolling up my
> sleeves here and entering this swinging.  I call a spade a spade when I
> see it, and sorry, you are wrong on a number of fronts.  You appear
> ready to drag America back to some Dickens' world of Have Nots -v- Have
> Lots, as though the work of the Greatest Generation should be
> dismantled as the oldest of them watch.  There's a way to show honor to
> those who "saved the world" from Nazi's, heh?
> Have Republicans no shame?
> I have never let this so-called conservative noise-making go unanswered
> when I'm out and about and I see no reason to let such sociopathic
> philosophy spread further unchecked.  Please reconsider your stance and
> evaluate the RESULTANTS of what you see around you instead of the
> slogans people SAY - we may have more common ground than first
> appearance.

You are nothing more than slogan.  Do a five minute google search on the
history of DBA and how it came into existence.  If I want to hear more
useless crap I will read Free Republic or Democratic Underground.

We need more skilled labor in this country, but I don't know the best way to
get it.  We need to make things in this country again, and keep the
knowledge here.  It takes generations to build up the knowledge base
required for innovation and leadership.  We are gladly pissing it away for
some reason.  There is more than enough blame to go around.
> Let me guess: you're one of those
> 'pull-yerselves-up-by-the-bootstraps' crowd that inherited most of your
> money:  yes-or-no?

Nope, and it is a sad world of stereotypes you live in.

> My favorite tool is a Stilleto Ruger Titanium 14oz hammer when I'm not
> mudding sheetrock or laying clear-water method ceramic tile.  I'd
> shovel shite to keep my family going ... what's your cred?

I have been on Brin-L for close to 9 years.  I started this list making
$5.70 and hour washing dishes in a nursing home.  And now as a engineer, I
think I even work harder than I did back then.

Favorite tool?  Porter-Cable reciprocating saw with a Lennox 12 inch carbide
tipped fire and rescue blade.  To paraphrase the movie "Johnny Dangerously"

This thing can cut through schools...
Matthew Bos


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