On 18/07/2006, at 3:40 AM, jdiebremse wrote:

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Charlie Bell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Abortion is the killing of an unborn child, plain and simple.

Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy. An unimplanted embryo
is not a pregnancy. Plain, and simple.

Not plain, and not simple.   What word would you have me use then?
I'm guessing murder isn't it.   So, what, then?

JDG - Not particularly amused by playing semantics...

You started the semantic game, by defining abortion contrary to most peoples' usage, and saying "plain and simple".

You're making it axiomatic that a zygote is a living being. A full human. Others disagree with this most basic premise, so is it any wonder that there'll never be agreement or compromise?

See, if one doesn't think that it's a "child" until it's capable of survival (around 22 weeks at best), then one's not going to see a pre- implantation embryo as human, and there is no amount of insisting on it being otherwise that'll change a thing.

If abortion is the termination of a pregnancy, and there is no pregnancy, then it's not an abortion. IVF discards pre-implantation embryos, but it creates humans too.


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