Charlie Bell wrote:
> Some people have c-sections because they can schedule them
> round their yoga, or because they need to fit childbirth
> into a certain period of the financial year for tax or
> government incentive reasons,
The above reasons do not exist - at least here.

> or to replace the uncertain risks of childbirth with the 
> calculated  risks of an operation.
Yes, this is the major (logically justifiable) reason for so
many C-sections here in Brazil. The other half is that
C-sections optimize the doctor's times, both the obstetrician
and the pediatrician - and this is a scarce resource, worth

> Given reliable artificial womb technology financially on
> a par with or not substantially more than the cost of
> childbirth, the risks and convenience mean that  it would
> be taken up. How many, not sure, but  it would be widespread.
Specially if gay men decide to have children. So, maybe we will
have the hellish opposite scenario of the lesbian utopia: a world
where most people are gay men :-/

Alberto Monteiro


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