All are quotations:

We judge that Iraq has... chemical and biological weapons. (5)

Since inspections ended in 1998 Iraq has... energized its missile
program and invested more heavily in biolgical weapons; in the view
of most agencies, Baghdad is reconstituting its nuclear weapons
program. (5)

If Baghdad acquires sufficient fissile material from abroad [JDG -
i.e. Nigerian yellowcake] it could make a nuclear weapon within
several months to a year.

Without such material from abroad, Iraq would probably not be able
to make a [nuclear] weapon until 2007 or 2009. (10)

Iraq retains approximately two-and-a-half tons of 2.5 percent
enriched uranium oxide, which... could... produce... about two
nuclear weapons.  ...Iraq could divert this material - the IAEA
inspects it only once a year - and enrich it to weapons grade before
a subsequent inspection discovered it was missing.   (24-25)



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